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Wikipedia:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia/Under Surfing

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Under Surfing or Under Boarding is a hybrid sport combining the sports of Surfing and Skateboarding tricks. It is the reverse of Surfing because the board is under water instead of on top of the water. It was created in Seattle, Washington and is a national sport in the United States. It is a sport that is still growing around Canada and around the world.


This section talks about the equipment needed to Under Surf and what is needed to compete in different competitions:

The rules

This section talks about the rules of Under Surfing and the different competitions in Under Surfing:

  • Five judges (each judge has 20 point cards)
  • These judges score the performance of the competitors
    • Points are based on:
    • Skill level (Pro, Minor, Rookie)
    • Tricks landed
    • Tricks botched or not landed
    • Balance time


Category:Water sports Category:Individual sports

I dont think that this is a real sport