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Suburban Wrasslin'[edit]

The concept of Suburban Wrasslin’ was first introduced by NSWA-e[1] in 2004. This concept was concieved to bridge the gap between Professional Wrestling and Backyard Wrestling.

The difficult task of introducing the Suburban Wrasslin’ concept to established federations was conducted via the internet.

NSWA-e explained the reasons for the bridge and :

Why it was needed[edit]

-The bridge gave a title for similar types of groups who could not be placed in either Professional or Backyard Wrestling

-A sense of belonging within the industry for these groups

-A new perspective on un-trained groups who have used experience to gain insight in the industry

-A small set of guidelines to determine whether you are regarded as Suburban Wrasslers


-perform regularly at a venue,

-pull a crowd of at least 50 with some audience members non friends/family,

-an entrance fee to be paid at the door


-a level of professionalism within the organization at all times.

Percentage of Suburban Wrasslin in WA, Australia[edit]

image ref: Major - Backyard, Middle - Suburban, Minor - Professional

Most people have embraced the new idea and bridge, but there are some within the industry who are unsure of the professionalism and training involved with being a wrestler.

Keep Wrasslin’ Alive in WA[edit]

Unlike America, Europe, Japan and various other countries, Western Australia has limited access to professional wrestling. We can access few federations via internet, Eastern States events, pay tv and imported dvds but to keep wrestling alive (especially in WA) we need to support Suburban Wrasslin, not for the benefit of the performer, but for the spectacle that is Performance Wrestling.