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Bicycles are a two wheeled human propelled method of transport


The Bicycle was invented by George McGee in the year 1842. George was searching for a method of transport that did not produce flatulence emissions, a major drawback of horse travel in crowded 19th century London.

Improvements Over The Years[edit]

Early bicycles had on gigantic front wheel, a tiny little rear wheel, and a single speed drive train. They were often ridden by curious looking Victorian men wearing monocles, split tail coats, and top hats.

Basic Components[edit]

Wide variation exists among bicycles, but for the basic operation of a bicycle, one must have the following as a minumum:

-Wheels (2)


-Cranks (2)

-Pedals (2)



Bicycle Sports[edit]

Numerous Bicycles Sports exist, but are subdivided into three main categories depending on the style of bicycle used (Mountain, Road, and BMX)





Types of Bicycles[edit]


The Bicycle was invented by George McGee in the year 1842. George was searching for a method of transport that did not produce flatulence emissions, a major drawback of horse travel in crowded 19th century London.