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User:Looie496/VE Reference editor

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a draft UI specification for a reference editor for the Visual Editor.

1. When the user clicks the "insert reference" button, an editor window shall pop up. This editor window will contain:

A) A checkbutton followed by the label "Use an existing reference" followed by a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu will show a list of the names of the existing references. If the user selects one, the checkbutton will be activated and the selected name will be shown as the active entry.
B) A checkbutton followed by the label "Custom" followed by a text area. Any text that the user enters here should be used directly as the content of the reference. Wikimarkup should be permitted, but it is the responsibility of the user to make sure that it is valid.
C) A checkbutton followed by the label "Predefined template" followed by a dropdown menu. The menu will have entries for a variety of commonly used citation formats, such as "cite web", "cite book", "cite news", etc. If the user selects any of these, an editor will open allowing the user to fill in the contents.
D) A label "Reference name" followed by a text area. Text entered here will be used as the name of the reference.
E) At the bottom, three buttons labeled "Apply", "Cancel", and "Help".