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Contents [ hide].

  • Definition.
  • History.
  • 10 most commonly used poisons.


Definition [of poison]:[edit]

Poisons or drugs, are basically substances, either chemical or herbal [biological, in some cases], which are used promptly for different purposes now day likely as; agriculture, medicine-making, treatments of several diseases, and, for the worse part of it, to cause harm, in short death.

History of poisons:[edit]

The history of poisons have been known well from 4500 BC to the counting days now. the uses of poisons are as so unexpectedly surprising, as mentioned above. while poisons or drugs are constantly used for treatments, medicines, and other man-benefiting sources, they are, when it is said unlikely to be used in such ways because one better knows that killers and criminals use more specifically large or quickly-affective weapons like guns, knifes, chainsaw and so on, it is said to be used as a killing weapon for murderers all over the world.

It can be picked easily that poisons are both harmful yet so usable for us that they can be described as neutrals, frankly. it has it's own advantages and disadvantages.

stone scraped and sculptured image of Mithridates.
Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus.

As we know that, primitive mankind, when there was hardly any advanced weapons, would take hold of the conventional weapons like swords, axes, or clubs, but they also would have already figured out the substances, namely in plants because there wasn't much technology to wholly pin point out all of the poisons in all the things, with such great reactions and effects to one's life were obviously a weapon to take hold of. years back, in the 4500s or so, the poisons were usually found in plants or fruits[ as poisonous mushrooms, berries, other fruits, poisonous plants carrying high amounts of harmful fluids, materials, and substances].

Once, Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus [ancient Greece now developed as new Turkey], so in fear for his death to be caused by this newly discovered weapon that he begun his search for some kind of escape from this, some kind of an antidote. He started his experiments on the back then held executions, desperate to find an antidote. And after so many attempts Mithridates did find an antidote by taking vast amounts of various poisons [almost 60-63], and by doing so making his immune system strong enough to survive those poisons which, before, he dreaded so much.

10 most commonly used poisons:[edit]

Written below are some of the most commonly used poisons both in good ways and bad ways.

  1. Botulinum (Botox). [ Ingested].
  2. Ricin. [ingested or inhaled].
  3. Anthrax [inhaled].
  4. Sarin [inhaled].
  5. Chloroform. [inhaled or ingested].
  6. Tetrodotoxin [ingested].
  7. Cyanide [ingested or inhaled].
  8. Amatoxin [ingested].
  9. Mercury [inhaled].
  10. Strychnine [ingested or inhaled].