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User:Ian Chattan

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User Page for Ian Chattan


You all make a mistake in referring to deified *aspects* of creation as 'gods'.

If Akhenaten is seen as a deified aspect and genderless then it could equally be Akhenaten, or Akhenatom.

This last is important as the ending is 'atom' and the atom is the building block for all that is creation even though it may be split into smaller parts.

'That which GOD hath joined together let not man put asunder.' should remain in your general thinking however. Atom bombs are not so good when someone drops one on you.

Atom is *similar* (sound alikes) to Atum and from The Great Ennead you have the following...

Atum as a deified *aspect* AND as an atom.

Shu-Tefnut as deified *aspects* and as two atoms forming a molecule. This is also representative of a long term marriage pair, male and female.

Again, that which GOD hath joined together let not man put asunder.

These are the basic principles and the Atum-Shu-Tefnut trio and are the original trinity, after which there is Geb and Nut.

Then come the 'Earthly players' Isis Osiris, Seth Nepthys.

It was later recognised that the anti Isis Osiris pair of Seth and Nepthys was a mistake.

As Osiris was changed to Able and Seth was changed to Cain then the Seth-Cain connection was also seen as a mistake.

By having Seth and Cain, religion was seen to be actively encouraging murder.

In Catholicism Isis was changed to 'mother mary' and this was yet another mistake as it made Mother, Sister, Daughter and Wife, Father, Brother, Son and Husband indistinguishable from one another leading to a general collective femaleness and a general collective maleness instead of allowing people to remain as individuals. Celibacy is also seen to be a mistake as it is anti-marriage.

These are the PRIMARY objections to Catholicism as this state of affairs is regarded as being incestuous by ALL non Catholics. It is also a situation which allows for there to STILL be a 'christ' ON the cross instead of having been removed from the cross and is the direct cause of prostitution, pornography and the general abuse of women which is commonplace in all catholic countries leading to all manner of crime world-wide.

For your information there IS no 'christ'. It is just a metaphorical story. If 'chritianity' were true then there would only be 5000 'christians' the way I read the Bible.

YOU are christ and you are here to be turned into a broken cripple whited sepulcher by the catholic church and its blood sucking Nephilim whilst being poisoned by the host which is representative of pluto, and plutonium. You are the 'bread' to be broken' and your blood is to be sucked from you.

Let us drink the blood and eat the body of 'christ' it says. What is this! Vampire cannibalism? Necrotising faciitis? Simply Necromany, Nephilim and Necropolis. Neck-roman-cy = Neck-roman-see.

Now if neck turns out to be nick then you are praying to satan.

The - instant - that you accept the catechism you are brain dead and turned into a zombie, hence the 'modern' expression 'spider brain suck' and 'life sucks' etc. as you are dragged into the web of deceit which is catholicism *mirrored* by the world wide web.

The use of the word 'suck' is a corruption of succour to sucker and refers to any sucking action.

Sucking your thumb, sucking a teat, sucking a cigarette, etc.

Like 'christ' on the cross you are being ridiculed and mocked by the catholic collective church and their black sabbath counterparts, hence red and black cardinals as with night and day.

This is an established FACT and NOT a supposition.

This is NOT a human belief system, nor is it secular. It does not even pass the normal tests of the State law.

The church is not a legal department and has no legal qualification. It is therefore constituted illegally and is designed to support itself whilst abusing the people who unwittingly support it.

As we don't need any more churches, and could well do without the ones we have got, the church is currently a defunct body which is of no further value.

You can take it that this is an outright condemnation of catholicism and its origins which lie in Egypt. Egyptian centered catholicism has reached the fullest extent of red and black Necromancy and this is KNOWN to be evil of itself.

You have read the 'mistakes' mentioned above.

You may have heard the Pope refer to the mistakes 'we' might have made.

I'll make it easy. "Whilst travelling the World I meet people who tell me "I am a ROMAN Catholic".

My reponse is, "I don't see how that is possible as this isn't Rome. There is only one Rome and that is known to be in Italy. Evidently you need to retake geography."

So you see, Geography is more important, as it gives you a sense of - Fatherland - and of belonging.

"He ain't heavy he's my 'brother'" (?)

I am not my 'brother's' keeper.

But, is this a zoo?

Egyptian centered catholicism is a pagan animalist belief based on interchangeability with animal deities being half animal half 'man'.

Hence the Sphinx.




But then the Leopard could just as well be someone who has been ass-ass-inated.

And if the church should be an ass and the law be an ass too, then we're in trouble.

The Dutch/Flemish for Son is Zoon and for Sun is Zon, so you can see where zoo comes from.

Is this the Zon Zoon or the Ozone?

Heaven and Hell together. To be or not to be? Is this really a Heaven on Earth, as it should be, or is one force (black) taking away the light (red) by stealth?

THIS is necromancy.

Ian Chattan 09:02, 27 May 2006 (UTC)