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"The Six" is a storyline from the BBC soap opera EastEnders. The storyline began in episode 6649, broadcast on 20 February 2023, which featured the show's first flashforward sequence at the end of the episode. The scene showed six female EastEnders characters, Denise Fox (Diane Parish), Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), Kathy Cotton (Gillian Taylforth), Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), and Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) in The Queen Victoria public house on Christmas Day standing around an unidentified male body lying on the floor, seemingly dead. Events leading up to Christmas that year put each character in the frame to be the potential murderer, as well as several male characters to be the victim. The storyline was composed as a different type of Whodunit mystery. When Christmas Day 2023 arrived, the victim was revealed to be Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters), whom Linda stabbed to death with a meat thermometer in an act of defence. Following the crime, the remainder of the storyline followed The Six's attempts to cover it up.

Storyline creation and development[edit]

The storyline began its creation in early 2022, as executive producer Chris Clenshaw had been thinking of a "blockbuster story" for 2023, and noticing that there was an appetite for a new whodunit plot in EastEnders, decided to draft one. He explained that due to the success, but recency of the "Who Killed Lucy Beale?" storyline, he decided that this one would "have a very different mechanic at its core".[1] "The Six" differed from the typical format of a whodunit story, as both the killer and victim were kept under wraps. The different framing was employed as producers and writers believed it would be more interesting, with the structure being described by Clenshaw as "so much more than a 'whodunit'… It's a 'who-is-it' as well". He added that it was important to try a new format as it "can create intrigue and grip and excite our audience in new ways" while still remaining true to the heart of the show.[1]

It was first teased in December 2022, with Clenshaw teasing a never-before done storyline that would commence in February 2023, and centre around Linda Carter (Kellie Bright).[2] On 3 February, it was revealed that the upcoming story would not just focus on Linda, but also five other female characters; Denise Fox (Diane Parish), Kathy Cotton (Gillian Taylforth), Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), and Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal), with the women later being dubbed "The Six".[3] Clenshaw explained that the reason why all of "The Six" were women was because "EastEnders has always had strong women at its heart", and that each individual character was chosen based on audience popularity.[1] Clenshaw detailed that he was convinced to commission the plot as he and the team had been "looking for a vehicle for The Six [...] to come together, and we were looking for an episode to get viewers really excited as we setup an event that they'll hopefully look forward to all year".[1]

The actresses were told that they would star in the storyline in November 2022, and were confused yet intrigued to hear about the storyline and the flash forward scene, and had a lot of questions.[1] Despite this, they were given few details and were not told who the killer or the victim were.[4][5] Taylforth commented that she was "very excited" to be part of the storyline, disclosing that "We were all quite inquisitive about what was going to happen, and who it was going to be, and all of us are still none the wiser".[6] Parish considered the idea of a flash-forward scene to be "brilliant, bold, and brave".[4] Dean commented: "I think we were all really excited about the storyline and to be a part of it".[7] Bright echoed Dean's excitement, noting that she was "very intrigued" due to the limited details the cast were given.[5] Turner was honoured to be included amongst the six, saying "this is six amazingly talented, super strong women, so I feel quite chuffed to be a part of it really".[8] Sopal hoped her character would be the killer, as, in her words: "I think it adds an extra dangerous element to her".[9]

In early February 2023, multiple trailers for the upcoming story were released, written by Daran Little.[3][10] Ahead of the flashforward scene, which was the first in the show's history and aired on the show's 38th anniversary, Clenshaw disclosed that "[The team were] all incredibly excited for [the] episode [and] what may seem like a regular day in Walford soon takes a twist and what transpires for each and every one of them is that in a flash everything changes". Clenshaw teased that the upcoming episode would "leave the audience with a lot of questions and, what may seem like the end, is only just the beginning of some very big storylines that will play out this year".[10] Phrases such as "in a flash, everything changes" and "for whom the bell tolls" were often used to market the storyline.[11][12]

Later development[edit]

After three months, Bright teased that the storyline would "ramp up" in September 2023, as the actress explained: "That's when you'll see all that stuff come to the fore again, then we'll have a big build-up to Christmas".[13] Clenshaw disclosed that the storyline would "dominate the autumn and the build to Christmas" as The Six would be thrown in the limelight and that it would keep viewers "guessing right up until the very end".[14][15] Clenshaw said that himself and the team were "thrilled" at the reaction the storyline garnered from fans, noting that it was part of the aim, explaining "we wanted people to chat, we wanted people to speculate, we wanted everyone to come up with their own theories and share those theories with one another. We wanted it to be a storyline that actually brings the fans together, so we're absolutely over the moon that it seems to be doing that and the fans are enjoying being a part of it".[15] Clenshaw further described the upcoming Christmas as "an ensemble affair", noting that usually one family is the focus of EastEnders Christmas episodes.[15]

Clenshaw noted that the characters only became "The Six" after the murder was committed, explaining: "Each of those women will become The Six from Christmas Day onwards".[16] When asked if "The Six" storyline would build towards the show's 40th anniversary in February 2025, Clenshaw responded that "there's obviously huge consequences playing into next year from the fallout of what happens at Christmas. We've got a very exciting 2024 planned. We are building to the 40th anniversary. I'm obviously not going to say too much about what we’ve got planned, it's over a year away from now! I suppose I can guarantee that it will be a huge celebration for the show".[15]

EastEnders: The Six[edit]

In late November 2023, the show announced that a two-part spin-off chat show/documentary would air in the lead-up to Christmas.[17] The show was named EastEnders: The Six (also titled EastEnders: The Six – Revealed), and would be hosted by Joe Swash, who formerly played Mickey Miller on EastEnders.[18] It was set to feature the actresses who played The Six as guests.[17] Clenshaw teased that the special would give viewers a chance to hear from the actresses, as well as to hear their theories and give "exclusive news" about the upcoming Christmas episode. It would also include recaps of each character's storylines throughout 2023.[18] Swash enjoyed hosting the special, detailing: "I absolutely loved being back in my old stomping ground, Albert Square. EastEnders holds such great memories for me, and it felt so great to be back. I loved reconnecting with Letitia [Dean], Lacey [Turner] and Diane [Parish] who I love dearly and worked with on my last stint in the show, and it was great to meet Kellie [Bright], Gillian [Taylforth] and Balvinder [Sopal] as we looked back at some of their amazing storylines from the year".[18]

2 Dec 2023–8 Dec 2023[edit]

Suspects and motives[edit]

The Six[edit]

The Seven[edit]


REWORD The dead man in question appeared to be wearing a suit (more on this in a bit) with a prominent focus on a cufflink – which will no doubt become relevant as the story unravels. But who is dead? Only 10 months to wait to find out. Following the airing of the flashforward, Clenshaw provided several reasons for each of the women to kill one of the men in their lives


What storylines should we be keeping an eye out for between now and Christmas? - (CC) "I think we should keep a close eye on Kathy and Rocky and their relationship. Kathy's currently unaware of the financial struggles that Rocky has found himself in. We do know that there's going to be a huge fire in the cafe and that event will have huge repercussions for the Beales as lives are left hanging in the balance. I think really you need to keep an eye out on each of those Six women. "Sharon is currently planning to move to Abu Dhabi and we know that Keanu has got a plan in motion to kind of keep her in Walford under false pretenses. In the next couple of weeks, Keanu will attempt to put his plan into action, but it will backfire and lead Keanu to stage an abduction of Albie, which I just think says so much about his relationship with Sharon, the dynamics and the differences between the two of them. "I think it was all kind of fun and lots of mischief when they were having an affair a few years ago, but they're quite different people when it comes down to it. "I think Denise and Jack's marriage has been on the rocks for the best part of this year since her kind of affair with Ravi and since she went to the hotel with him. There is going to be trouble for this couple as well. There is going to be an infidelity in the lead up to Christmas but I'm not going to say who, which one of them or who with. "And then obviously Suki and the Panesars as well. Nish will discover Suki and Eve's relationship – he will discover the affair and obviously, when that happens, all hell will break loose. Stacey's storyline isn't over and there's still much more to come with Theo and that storyline. And we've obviously spoken about Linda already."[16]

Viewers know that a mystery male character will die this Christmas, with one of six females tipped to be the killer. The moment was teased in a flashforward in February, with Denise Fox, Suki Panesar, Stacey Slater, Kathy Beale, Sharon Watts and Linda Carter all stood over a dead body in The Queen Vic, while the male's identity is not known. It seems like a showdown has occurred as all the women are either covered in blood or their clothes are ripped. Since the clip aired, clues have been dropped across social media and in episodes which hint at what happens. From hints of a past link to another episode, cufflink clues, to victims and motives being shared online, there's a number of theories as to what happens. There's been loads of clues recently so here are the latest ones, and some you may have missed.[20]

The body in the flashforward clip was shown wearing a pair of amber cufflinks which suddenly made their debut on the show a few months ago, revealed to belong to Nish Panesar. Nish lost them to Rocky Cotton in a poker game, and he gave them to Jack Branning. Now, Phil Mitchell has them in his possession after Jack gave them to him on his wedding day. So does Phil die, or will they end up being passed on to someone else?[20]

[opening: seven suspects, amber cufflinks, etc.] [Jack, Phil, Rocky: Not seriously considered] [Keanu and Ravi: Some considered] [Nish and Dean: Main suspects] [Other theories]


Speculation surrounding Dean Wicks focused on his sexual assault of Linda in 2014, and his return to the show shortly before Christmas.[21] Immediately before the flashforward scene, Kathy assured Linda that if Dean ever stepped foot back in Walford, she would have an army of friends supporting her to keep him from getting near her, with some believing it was a hint.[21] Dean returned for his daughter, Jade Masood (Elizabeth Green) shortly before Christmas, with Clenshaw teasing that Linda would "struggle in the wake of [Dean's] return".[15] Clenshaw explained that Dean was returning as "a man on the square without any allies", making him "very dangerous", and thus a likely candidate to be murdered. He further entertained the idea of Dean being the victim as he was yet to receive retribution for his actions, explaining: "We always knew we were going to bring Dean back for Linda's storyline this year. He's a character that has such a historical connection to the show, and as we all know, he didn't get his comeuppance".[15]



Jack Branning was considered a suspect because of the crumbling of his marriage to Denise Fox.[21] Clenshaw teased an affair between Denise and Ravi and an "explosive" reaction from Jack upon discovery.[1] Jack also gained possession of the amber cufflinks in July 2023.[19] Some speculated that Jack may die due to embarking on an affair with Stacey, only for a jealous Denise to find out.[20]



Keanu's status as a suspect was justified through his fling with Sam Mitchell (Kim Medcalf), without Sharon knowing, his return only a year before Christmas 2023, and kidnapping his and Sharon's son in a scheme that he concocted with his mother Karen for ransom money.[21][22] The flashforward scene also showed Sharon wearing a wedding dress, and as Keanu and Sharon had restarted their relationship, this added to speculation.[23] Chris Clenshaw teased Keanu as a potential suspect as "just as quickly as Sharon and Keanu reunited, she discovered that he and Sam have history too, leaving Sharon newly single. However, as we know, Sharon's wearing a wedding dress at Christmas, so watch out for many twists, turns, and plenty of heartbreak along the way".[1] Speaking on his character's fate, Walters commented: "I think, in fantastic EastEnders style, over the months, you'll see a lot more conflicting relationships with other characters. I think there won't just be Keanu, but there'll be other characters that will get themselves in situations where we'll start to question: 'Could it be them?' "But regarding that topic, my lips are sealed still. I wish I could say, but I actually don't know".[23] Keanu was ruled out as being the body on the floor as on-set photos from the shoot showed Keanu wearing a grey suit, which he was ruled out as the body on the floor in the flashforward was wearing a black suit.[24] He was also ruled out for being generally one of the last deserving suspects of a punishment.[24]


Nish was considered a suspect due to his violent behaviour, status as a local menace, and Suki's affair with Eve Unwin (Heather Peace).[21][22] Additionally, the amber cufflinks initially belonged to Nish, leading actor Navin Chowdhry hinted that fans will have to pay special attention to what happens to the cufflinks throughout the year. "I think the main clue is to follow the cufflinks. There's some stuff we filmed recently about the cufflinks so look out for that and follow the cufflinks."[19] In Clenshaw's words: "Suki's struggling in her marriage with Nish and is desperately trying to convince herself that she doesn't have feelings for Eve. As the year progresses, Suki will uncover truths, have her relationships tested but ultimately her biggest secret could push her to the extreme".[1] Chowdhry admitted that he was aware that Nish was considered "the number one contender" to be killed.[19] Nish's return after Suki had finally found happiness was also a reason, Suki retalliating was a possibility.[21] Taylforth confirmed that Nish would receive a "comeuppance" for Nish blackmailing Rocky, despite admitting that she didn't think Nish's comeuppance would be linked to it.[25]


Phil was a suspect because while the idea of Phil being killed was "unthinkable" and he had survived so much, and it would be dynamite for shock factor.[21] The flashback airing on the anniversary of Phil's first appearance lead some to believe it was a hint at his departure.[26] Additionally, during Phil and Kat's wedding, he was given the amber cufflinks and briefly owned them.[27] Phil also previously lost ownership of The Queen Victoria to Linda, and his son, Ben, killed Suki's son Kheerat.[26] Phil having cheated on Kat with Emma Harding (Patsy Kensit) was also a potential reason.[27]


Ravi was potentially the body because, like Nish, he had made many enemies and was closely involved in criminal activities.[21][28] Thiara fuelled the speculation to his character's death, saying: "It's quite hard to fathom that Ravi's made so many enemies in such a short amount of time. There's every possibility that it's going to come to him, you never know".[28] Ravi's affair with Denise,[21][29] as well as the fallout of its discovery was put forward as a potential reason for his murder.[22] Ravi played a part in the breakdown of Jack and Denise's marriage, which resulted in many of the residents turning against Ravi.[30] Alternate suspicions surrounding Suki killing Ravi for being responsible for Kheerat's imprisonment were put forward.[21] After the body was shown wearing cufflinks in the original flashforward, some fans also thought they spotted Ravi wearing them or similar cufflinks on Tuesday night.[30] When the announcement of his ex, Priya and second child Avani was announced, some viewers cleared Ravi of suspicions as he had become too prominent to die.[31]


Clenshaw - "Kathy's planning to tie the knot with Rocky but we know with Rocky he has a past so just what will catch up with him?[1]

It’s the biggest whodunnit in soap as we all scratch for clues to a killing that hasn’t happened yet. When EastEnders teased the dramatic events that will unfold on Christmas Day 2023 in a special and genre-busting flash-forward episode, there were theories everywhere as to who the male victim could be. And as well as the fans speculating, the cast have also been scratching their heads trying to work out what’s going to happen. The special sequence, shown in May, showed Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) walking into the Vic on Christmas Day and discovering a dead body on the floor. Also present were Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth), Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal), Denise Fox (Diane Parish) and Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner). Clues abounded, from Sharon’s wedding dress, Denise holding a broken bottle, Stacey with blood on her hands and a strategically placed suit of armour (which later turned out to belong to the Knight family). It all ensures that from now on until Christmas every episode is going to be mined for hints about the drama that will develop over the festive season. Brian Conley, who’s looking forward to some drama in the immediate future as his character Rocky prepares to get married to Kathy Beale, is as intrigued by the mystery as anyone else. ‘I’ve got a bit of a shiver now,’ he admitted as he talked about the Christmas storyline. ‘We do all sit there in the green room going “Is it you? Is it you? What’s going to happen? I don’t know.”’ What he is certain of is that it’ll be a major character who dies in the episode in question. One of the hints in the flash-forward sequence was the the dead character was wearing cufflinks. As Rocky’s wedding approaches, will he be wearing a similar set of cufflinks with his wedding suit? Brian reckons it’s a possibility – but at this stage, the Christmas corpse could be anyone. He credits the show’s boss, Chris Clenshaw, with creating a scenario that has got everyone talking. ‘We do talk about it. None of us have got a clue. I know that there’s maybe two or three people who are aware of where it might go and even that might change. Online they’ve got their own theories. Someone said because of the different colours [worn by the women in the flash-forward] – you’ve got someone dressed in green, someone in red – they said that is the London Underground map. You’ve got the Bakerloo line, you’ve got the Central line. People have tried to work out this sort of scenario.’ he sees himself being in EastEnders long term, Brian said he would ‘love to be there,’ but he was realistic about his chances given that a major character is certain to exit in December. ‘I might only last till Christmas, and that’s the fun of it!’ he said. ‘I think as actors we all live on tenterhooks to a small degree because you could be written out in two weeks or a week. For me that makes it exciting as well, because you don’t know. I think it keeps everyone’s game up.’[32]

Since then, we have seen Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) marry Rocky Cotton (Brian Conley) but as his debts spiral, he will take shocking action and torch the cafe – which will be a horrific shock for Kathy, particularly as her relatives are in the centre of the peril.[22]

Trends, polls, statistics, and other theories[edit]

Clenshaw - "Not only has Stacey been dealing with the rising cost of living, but also struggling to keep her pregnant daughter out of harm's way. This year Stacey finds herself doing something she's never done before in an effort to protect her family and unborn grandchild.[1]

Ryan Malloy may have walked away from Walford again last week, but he did so looking and sounding like a very cruel and bitter man. In the aftermath, with Ryan having cut down his child support payments and then having the nerve to ask for Lily to stay with him come Christmas, Stacey revealed that she'd "love to throttle him".

An offhand comment, yes, but with cousin Kat Slater's (Jessie Wallace) wedding to Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) now confirmed for Christmas Day especially to keep Lily around, might Ryan make his way back to try and kidnap her? If so, could this lead to a fight that turns physical, leading to Ryan being fatally injured? After all, Stacey was the one with blood on her hands...[21]

Even the most casual of EastEnders fans will have noticed a pretty big gap in this list of families. That’s right, there are no Mitchells. While some may argue that this points to Sharon once again rekindling her romance with Phil (Steve McFadden) – hence the wedding dress – we think it’s more likely to be someone with pure Mitchell blood, thanks to another massive hint. Within the first two minutes of the flash forward episode, eagle eyed viewers will spot an out of order sign on the fruit machine as Denise heads to the bar to get a drink, which wasn’t there in the previous episode. To understand the significance of this minor detail, we need to take you all the way back to 2005, and the murder of a little-known character by the name of Dirty Den… Den was murdered in the Queen Vic following a showdown with three furious, scorned women. Are you seeing any similarities? During the confrontation, Den smashed wife Chrissie Watts’ head against the fruit machine, leaving a huge crack along the glass, which Chrissie would later repair in order to cover up the murder. It would later transpire that Chrissie had delivered the fatal blow, with Sam watching on from the shadows. With Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) in on the secret, thanks to Zoe telling all before going on the run, she made a big deal about pointing out the crack in the fruit machine to the Queen Vic punters, leaving Chrissie rattled. After digging up Den’s body in a bid to prove that it was Chrissie who killed him, Sam was arrested herself for the crime, but was later released after a tape containing Chrissie’s confession emerged. With Kim Medcalf having reprised her role as the feisty sister of the Mitchell brothers, could she be set to fall head first into another dramatic murder storyline upon returning from her current extended break? Will Sam Mitchell turn The Six into The Seven?[33]

All eyes are on what will happen to the residents of Walford over the EastEnders Christmas period. Earlier in the year it was revealed that one character would die and there would be six women in the frame for the mystery man's murder. Now that Cindy (Michelle Collins) and Ian (Adam Woodyatt) are back on EastEnders, will they be tied up with the drama? Speaking at a recent press event to press including RadioTimes.com, Executive Producer, Chris Clenshaw, hinted that there could be a huge festive season on the cards for the newly-reinstated Beales. He said: "You know, it’s the Beales and Cindy’s first Christmas back in Walford. It will be a big Christmas in the Beales’s house." Will they get wrapped up in the Christmas flash-forward drama? At the moment, all we know is that a man will be killed - but who is the victim? Could Cindy serve as a seventh suspect? And could Ian end up dead on the Queen Vic floor?[34]

One eagle-eyed viewer of the BBC soap is convinced they've worked out which of the six women could be the killer after spotting a clever clue from the promotional pictures, which see the women in six different colour dresses. Taking to Twitter, the fan shared their thoughts on the photos, writing: "I've noticed in the Six’s posters everyone has a hand on their hip, in a powerful domineering stance apart from Linda who has her hands down in front of her in a more defensive stance. "Could this be a hint that the others are protecting Linda from potentially Dean?" Could Linda's stance give away that she is the Christmas killer, and that the others are protecting her - or even that the others killed the man in a bid to protect Linda from something or someone?[20]

Christmas is drawing ever closer, and with it EastEnders' huge festive storyline - a murder mystery centred around a male corpse laying on the floor of The Queen Vic. We've been delving into all the possibilities to try and figure out just which character might be heading for death at the end of the year, and Ryan Malloy (Neil McDermott) is a strong contender. He made a surprise return to Walford earlier this year, and his timing was certainly intriguing. So, is Ryan the murder victim? Read on as we explore all the clues. Just before EastEnders gathered together a group of wronged women, including Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), Ryan made a brief but eventful return to Albert Square. The timing of this, and the fact that Ryan's behaviour was appalling - as his nasty side was witnessed by Lily (Lillia Turner), the daughter he shares with Stacey - only made us suspect Ryan as the potential murder victim by the time that flash-forward aired... Ryan also made plans to spend Christmas with Lily, so will he make a last minute return? During the same episode that aired the flash-forward, Stacey was heard saying that she'd "love to throttle" Ryan, after he demanded to have Lily over this Christmas - despite his attitude upsetting Lily. At the time, Kat Mitchell (Jessie Wallace) planned her wedding to Phil (Steve McFadden) for 25th December, so that Lily would be able to stay in Walford. But with the nuptials going ahead already, Ryan could get back in touch and insist on picking Lily up. Could a fight between him and Stacey turn physical, seeing her act on her earlier remark? Blood on Stacey's hands We've already considered that the blood on Stace's hands during the flash-forward could link her to her stalker Theo Hawthorne (William Ellis). But after recent events, might Theo make a return at Christmas? Therefore, the blood could instead be a hint that Stacey is connected to a different character - and with Stacey and the rest of 'The Six' toasting that men should "get what they deserve", we can see Ryan fitting the bill if he turns on Stacey once more. Still, RadioTimes.com has been speculating that there could be a seventh lady on the scene of the murder, and Whit could be present, and find herself involved in an altercation after witnessing far too many evil men in her time. If she's not there, though, the possibility of Ryan being murdered could still play a part in her exit, with it being one bad memory too many for her to stick around for. There's a suit of armour behind Stacey during the flash-forward that we've been pondering over rather a lot, as it hints at a saviour for an in-distress Stace. With this placing Stacey central to the story, it's yet another clue that Ryan could be the one to end up murdered at Christmas, with Theo perhaps being too obvious a choice. With Ryan absent for most of thew year, it would be quite the twist, yet believable, to see him make another volatile cameo, with fatal consequences.[35]

Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) has been viciously stalked and attacked by sinister Theo – and we haven’t seen the last of that.[22]


In February 2023, after Denise Fox (Diane Parish), Kathy Cotton (Gillian Taylforth), Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), and Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) have a lock-in at The Queen Victoria public house, they complain about the men in their lives before toasting: "To men, may they get what they deserve". The screen then flashes forward to the pub on Christmas Day, where the women are shown surrounding an unidentifiable male body on the floor. Stacey is shown with blood on her hands, Sharon is wearing a wedding dress, Denise is holding a broken wine bottle, and Linda has a busted lip. Sharon checks the man's pulse before declaring that he is seemingly dead.

Christmas Day
Sharon runs, Linda drinks, Denise spirals, Kathy divorces, Nish wakes
Body found and Sharon arrest
Linda frames Dean


Laura Denby of Radio Times praised the flashforward scene, calling the decision "inventive and refreshing" and that "this brand new 'whodunnit' may have officially restored the long-running serial drama to its former glory".[36] Nicole Vassell of The Independent reported that viewers had generally reacted favourably towards the scene, opining that: "It's giving Big Little Lies. It's giving "Cell Block Tango". It's perfect".[37] Angie Quinn of MyLondon reported that fans were "gripped" following the airing of the flash-forward.[38] Charlotte Tutton of Daily Mirror described the scene as "special" and "explosive".[39] Dan Seddon of Digital Spy called the flashforward scene "chilling".[31] Stefania Sarrubba of Radio Times described the plotline as "Knives Out meets How to Get Away with Murder", considering it to be the show's "most ambitious storyline to date".[40] Sue Haasler of Metro called The Six "the biggest whodunit in soap", adding that the flashforward scene was "special and genre-busting".[32] Clenshaw noted that since the airing of the flashforward scene, "there has been an overwhelming amount of speculation around the body in question and which one of our six Walford matriarchs might be responsible".[18]


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