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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am Ege.

I want to someday work a lot more on Abstract Wikipedia, I contribute to Wikidata every now and then.

I did some Wikimedia related projects in 2023 and hope to continue in the future. I may create a separate page about them someday :>

On enwiki, there are a few different subjects that I intend to focus on:

Music theory[edit]

Makam theory[edit]

I started working on this, I've created the Template:Turkish makam theory, and I want to complete every article on it.

These symbols are really cool Eight-comma sharphalf flatFive-comma sharpflat stroke

Music theory in general[edit]

I like many Youtubers such as Adam Neely, Signals Music Studio, Rick Beato etc. and I want to contribute on Western Music Theory through the things I learn from them.

Carnatic Music[edit]

I like some systems in Carnatic Music, and I have listened to Kaushiki Chakraborty in the past. I don't know much about the theory yet but from what I've seen so far, it's really interesting.

Gender and sexual orientation[edit]

My first large scale project was Cinspedia, in which we translated LGBT or gender related articles from English Wikipedia to Turkish Wikipedia. I also helped organize the Turkish node of Queering Wikipedia in 2023.

Radical feminism[edit]

I really like Catharine MacKinnon and want to improve feminism related pages using her theorisation.

Dialectical materialist conceptions of gender[edit]

After a Youtube video I watched, I became really interested in this, I will work on it.


My closest friend is neurodivergent, AuDHD specifically. I myself may be on the spectrum too. I want to work on neurodiversity related pages. I also want Wikipedia to reflect the recent developments in information about Neurodiversity. For this, I want to create a template and start improving from there.

I had participated in the Neurodiversity Meetup in 2023 and we had started working on some related pages.


I care a lot about the accurate representation of Marxism-Leninism. I intend to do work on it. Some pages I intend to focus on are

Politics of Turkey[edit]

I am really interested in politics in general, but also specifically of Turkey's politics. I really like the documentaries of Mehmet Ali Birand, I improve pages casually here and there.

AI article attempts[edit]

Nazım Hikmet - Used through asking Chat GPT to write the Q184906 item in Wiki-Markup.

Arnauld Allessandrin


You can visit my Turkish user page, which has other details about me, here:
