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Digital Collections Preservationist[edit]

The role of the digital preservationist is to manage and preserve digital collections to ensure authenticity and availability. Much like physical cultural assets found in museums, digital assets (born-digital and digitized) require organization, storage and collection maintenance. Digital Preservation is the active management of digital content over time to ensure ongoing access.[1] Digital materials present unique challenges since content created even a few years ago may become unusable if the correct hardware or software is not available. [2] A digital collections preservationist's role is to ensure best practices that will maintain the authenticity of the original and preserve it in formats that evolve due to changes in technology.


Digitized Book Collections
  • Implement policies for digital data collection and storage
  • Select digital repositories for assets and monitor data integrity
  • Create and maintain access to digital resources
  • Manage life-cycle of the digital assets


Buck, R. A., & Gilmore, J. Allman. (2010). MRM5 : museum registration methods. 5th ed. Washington, DC: AAM Press, American Association of Museums.

Ray, Joyce (2009) "Sharks, Digital Curation, and the Education of Information Professionals," Museum Management and Curatorship, 24:4, 357-368.


  1. ^ "Library of Congress".
  2. ^ "Heritage Preservation" (PDF).