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Dr Chris Birchall
Lecturer in Digital Media
School of media and communication
University of Leeds

I am Lecturer in Digital Media and am currently the BA Digital Media programme leader, co-convener of the Digital Culture research group and a member of the Political Communication and Critical Data Studies research groups. My background is that of a professional software and web developer, having worked in a variety of positions in IT companies, as a freelancer, in the voluntary sector, the NHS and within Higher Education. After postgraduate study in Geographical Information Systems sparked my interest in public participation in local planning and policy debates I moved on to study the role of technology in the public sphere and the effects of technological mediation of the social world. I joined the School in 2010 as a Research Associate, becoming a lecturer in 2016 after completing a PhD which focused on interface design, social dynamics and political conversation in online spaces[1].

  1. ^ Birchall C. 2018. Trying not to fall out: the importance of non-political social ties in online political conversation. Information Communication and Society.