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Draft:The Triple Six Theory

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The Triple Six Theory

Disclaimer: I do not mean to offend or talk down with my words. This came to me as a "you HAVE to write this" idea. Not like I want to feel as though I deserve credit, but I feel as a man occompanied by God that his word is Holy and True, and with truth, the feelings of telling "My truth" and becoming so prevelant that I cannot stand it anymore.

"Anything can be misinterpreted. Everyone has a certain representation because they want to be listened to in a certain way" - Marilyn Manson

Now, I know the title of this memoir would make one assume I believe in the devil, quite the opposite, though. Whenever I had my 3rd psychosis episode, the first one of this year (2024), Ive had some very profound experiences physically, spiritually, and metaphysically. Let me just start at the beginning. I was dabbling back into smoking weed and picked up my personal favorite crutch, THC pens. I would smoke at least $100+ a week on just them. I was a full time stoner, nothing to do other than just smoke myself insane.

The Tattoos

The first night I can recall where it first started to turn from fun, old, same old smoking, was the night I tattooed 666 on my leg. It was the first tattoo I gave to myself, and I positioned it just right to be able to look at it as "666" or "999" and this is where the inversion methods came into play. That day on I was able to "flip" and change personalities on the "flip" of a dime. It all revolves, to me, back to my perception theory of 666 and the way you can look at someone or think of someone or something and see it as a really bad thing, or a thing you can flip into something beneficial and something you can make "light" of. The second tattoo that made me transcend into spiritual realms was a symbol of Gebu Isa, the runes, down below for example. The Gebu Isa rune means in lore to be depicted as "reward with stillness." I think it's quite neat to look at it as an axis with 2 lines intersecting each other, 3 lines. It is said in lore as well when one is marked with runes it meanings will always stay with you, which makes sense as my life has been still with much reward for a while now, other than my few visits to inpatient and my car accident that I will dive on eventually, my life has been very still, yet it seems as though a transidental entity will grant me gifts of either physical means or insight and the feeling of intuition.

It Comes In Threes

Now, the "666" tattoo is one to be explored. I've always heard since I was young that 666 is the number of the beast, devil, diablo, whatever you call it, it seems to have a number associated with "it." But, I believe the devil is consistent with letters, a word, or phrase, perhaps. They say that one who is wise enough can calculate the beast, but just as I said "it," I do not also buy into the idea that the "Beast" was/is one person. I find it to be a net of ideas, conglomorations, corporations, and ideas that have come together to twist the words of God to make a self-centered idea, like money for instance. 3 is a very signifigant number as it is a very small, yet powerful number, especially grouped when you are talking about sums. Some of my personal experiences stem from 333, 666, 999, 717, 723, 738, and 623, 623 stemming from the Romans verse 623, For the wages of sin is death. 333 was a very horrifying revelation as it was almost like the "unlocking" device for my worst nightmares to come true. Im talking everyone somehow knew who I was at one moment, people would come to me with personal revelations about the number, and I believe if any number deserves the mark of the "Beast," 333 deserves it. In my own revelations it stands for war, as, if you use it to relate to the travesty of WW2, you might find some very interesting things yourself. 3 of 33, Hitler, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, you name it, it is marked. The next is 666. 666 comes and goes with me as a misinterpreted number, one of shame and guilt, almost out of ones control. It comes to me whenever things are very rough, but whenever I find it, it has almost been a stepping stone to a new revelation, and no, I dont have much to say on it other than misinterpretation, and misunderstanding. Now, 666 and 999, to me, are the same thing to me at this point, you just flip one to make the other. A cycle, if you will. 999 stands to me as the abyss, the unknown, the future, or the end of either good or bad things. Again, not much to say about 999, the "Three" is what I'm going to call them for now, 3, 6, and 9, with 3 digits.

Looking Past the Three

Now the next part of this is going to be even harder to explain than the last numbers, but hey, who ever proved shit by not at least showing it. The Romans verse 6:23 goes as follows For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sins have all shapes and sizes but there is the 7 that Im sure everyone is aware of lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy, and pride. Im going to go back and say a part that I said before, a man who is wise enough, can calculate the number of the beast. The next are, you guessed it, three sums to note. 717-623. 723-623. And 738-623. I believe with the use of the constant of 623 you can calculate and exact the beast. 717-623 = 94. 94 years have passed since WW2. 723-623= 100. 100 years ago the famous Alice's Wonderland was made, it was also the same year Adolf Hitler was arrested, the Ottoman empire was no more, and so forth. And lastly 738-623= 115. The number 115 is very interesting as it the number of the papyrus containing a different number to be wary of, 616. The Call of Duty franchise also contains references a mysterious chemical, Element 115, that will give your character symptoms of, you guessed it, psychosis. Now, with that being said, you're probably thinking I fell into a vat of the shit myself, but I believe Element 115 is an airborne chemical that is more than just some video game lore. The very thought of a papyrus being named 115 and giving people second thought to the number of the beast might be more than just coincidence.

The Ignorance

All of my findings named thus far were ones I sort of pulled out of my ass, but somehow worked with math included. Im not going to go into detail as to where my findings were discovered, for the safety of my peers Im just not going to do that to them, but, when man realizes the ignorance displayed in ones world, I believe certain entities can enter the spirit and make ones character become completely out of line. When these things were being discovered I was in the most delerious and out of my mind state I have ever been in my life, yet my findings still hold some merit, that is if you believe in other worldly forces, like I do. These calculations I have mentioned earlier have only seemed to happen on the numbered specific day of when it was happening, so say I did 717-623, I feel as though my findings would only "unlock" the code on the 717th day. These days were only called the "Days of Ignorance." These codes on these specific days, can uphold a code worth more than gold, wishes, that you wish to be granted. Now, I was in psychosis, so wishes were few and far between but the one I remember vividly asking for was the knowledge and strength to speak and tell others about the Return of Christ. I sat and I wished and I wished and I wished for this dream, or so more maybe a nightmare, to finally be able to have an end. And with me writing this theory in great detail, I plan for this to be true. Ignorance is defined as lack of knowledge, or a lack to want to learn. With my own findings, I realized something. I, too, was very ignorant as to what was going on in real life and outside of its realms. I did not realize that it is clearly stated in the bible that "not one man knows" when he shall return. I did not know nearly half I do now and I still dont know shit, if Im going to be quite frank. I just want to spread this information as I feel as though pieces of it can be used for a greater good. My words are not meant offend. I found my knowledge to be greater when I sin, when I use withcraft and black magic to grant me knowledge, and me too, using my constant of Romans 6:23 shall perish someday.

The Dates

I believe the 3 most significant dates we have to look either forward to or to sign something bigger are June 15th, 2025, June 19th, 2025, and July 25th, 2025. All are for the future. Now, with me stating earlier with my findings, not one man knows the date or the time. I asked for knowledge and was given, oh look at that, THREE dates. Maybe if this isn't Gods rising, this is the rise of the Antichrist? The Beast can only be calculated and estitimated by a man wise enough to use the numbers. This is where I believe the 616 theory ends and the pieces of thw Bible, artifacts, close examinations of history should be examined, as they say and stands true that History will always repeat itself and flip and come again, like 666 and 999. Look at it one way and its evil to some and means nothing to others, and flip and vise versa. I believe 666 represents history and the past and 999 means unknown, and abyss. 666+999= 1665. 1665 was the year of the great fire of London and also signifies the year of the start of the Great Plague. Look at it one way, and it was probably the worst time for humans on Earth, another way, usually shrouded with, yep, Ignorance, some people, especially since todays climate, no one gives a damn.
