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Draft:B.P.A.P (Batalha Para A Palidia)

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BPAP is a mini bfdi style competition from the Brazilian osc created on September 4th, 2023, and is still ongoing, on February 16, 2024 the show has 6 episodes: prepared teams, the silent silence, falling is bad, knocking is worse, D.O.R /osreveR, Confetti!, and cliff max, the show has 60 characters, which are below, BPAP was created by [1] ItzDaPalidiaBallz, the show is 60 sentient objects battle for an empire called Palidia created on the popular drawing app called flipaclip , the show is like this: they eliminate the last episode, start the challenge, find out which team loses, viewers vote in the comments, repeat the cycle, a second season called BPAPD (Battle for Palidia Again) and a mini season have been confirmed between the last episode of bpap and the first episode of bpapd called bpenb (battle to enter the BPAPD) where the 10 characters who win can compete with the veterans in bpapd, the acronyms may not line up because the acronyms are portuguese, the bpap data is below
Host:Palidia, Davizin (BPAP), Black Stickman (BPENB), Palidia (BPAPD)
Characters:grape, pea (eliminated), peanut (eliminated), lego brick (eliminated), ruperts drop, cherry, bandaid, key (eliminated), glue (eliminated), map, flour, grate, marshmallow, cherry, volcano, chocolate, encyclopedia, mug, toilet paper, lamp (eliminated)
Challenges Below
EP 1a: make the teams
EP 1b: stay silent
EP 2: don't knock down the davizin2 or fall into the lava
EP 3:Walk through 1 km of lego
EP 4: Finding a specific grain of sand 
EP 5: Jumping off a mountain and surviving 
EP 6:Build a car and reach the finish line
EP 7:Climb Mount Everest
EP 8:Get Money
EP 9:Make Davizin2 Happy
EP 10:Uno
EP 11:Dont Sleep

Not complete page, will update someday


[1] www.youtube.com /ref/www.bpapwiki.com/▪ref/