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This is an explanation of Mon nationality in Mon State, Burma. There are seven divisions: Yangon, Pegu, Ayawaddy, Mandalay, Magwe, Sitkaing and Taninthayi, and seven states: Rhakhaing, Chin, Kachin, Shann, Kayah, Karen, and Mon States. Ethnic people are living in their states each without human rights, self-determination, and freedom directly ruled by Burmese military junta.

Our Mon Kingdom Hongsawatoi, now Ayawaddy, Yangon, and Pegu Divisions, was invaded and devastated by was invaded and brutally devastated by Burmese King Ah Laung Phayar, U Aung Zeya in AD 1757. Many innocent Mon people and Mon Buddhist monks were massacred as the destruction of Jews by the Nazis during World War 2. Burma was an independent country since 1948. The successive Burmese military regime has been launching the systematic ethnic-cleaning campaigns in Burma. Because of that event, Burma has remained plagued by civil wars between successive Burmese military regime and self-determination inspired ethnic minorities groups. Among them our Mon people are still losing the human rights, self-determination, and freedom in our own Mon State, Burma until today.

In order to restore the Republic of Monland with old Mon lands, Hongsawatoi: Ayawaddy, Yangon, Pegu and Mawrawatoi now Mon State, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Mon National Democratic Front ( MNDF ) are being established respectively by late President Nai Shwe Kyin in 1958, and by Chairman Nai Tun Thein in 1989. The headquarters of New Mon State Party at Three Pagoda Pass was occupied by Burmese military in 1990 and The Mon National Democrat Front was abolished by the Burmese military government in 1992. So most strong members of MNDF are being fled and sneaked into Bangkok, Thailand. Some are being granted to Europe and some are being granted to USA.

All our Mon people in Mon State, Burma and in all foreign countries strongly believe that our strategic intention to restore the Republic of Monland including old Mon land Honsawatoi can be reached by implementing strategic and tactical political movements basically step by step. We never forgive our hands to Burmese, our old enemies, in Burma and also in US or around the World. We, Mon nationality, are standing on our own feet by own abilities without combining by Burmese in US because they, all Burmese, monopolize to the other Ethnic.

Above mentions are part of our Mon-Burmese history and part of our feelings.